Every year during Spring Break tragic stories of students needlessly losing their lives by accident or criminal activity are broadcast by the media. Parents are presented with a situation that is dangerous at best, but there is an alternative. Parents can suggest a volunteer program working with the natural resources industry in Costa Rica.
Students can enjoy the sun of this tropical paradise and learn something about nature and maybe themselves as well. Vacations in Costa Rica are safe and staying with locals will help the vacationer adapt to local conditions. Simply go to GlobeAware, Your text to link... for more information. Talk to your son or daughter and suggest that they and a friend or two try this instead of drinking bouts and burning on the beaches.
You might be surprised, and the costs should be in line with a Florida spring break vacation. A young person could volunteer to work in Tortuguero on one of the many turtle projects or if mountaineering is more to their liking venture to the Talamanca mountains and the highest peak, Chirripo. Here a student could help in the maintenance of trails. Nearby there are coffee fincas (farms) where courses in coffee growing and tasting are taught, and students learn a valuable subject. The Pacific beaches offer programs involving nature both on land, in the air and in the sea. The varieties of experiences available in Costa Rica for this kind of environmental tourism is endless.
There are alternatives to the standard spring break vacation, and mom or dad might even want to go along.