Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Spring Break: Techniques and Tips to Stay Healthy and Lean

Spring break vacations are often filled with good times, close friends, nights to remember, exotic locations and memories that you won't soon forget. However, these days and nights are often filled with junk food and beverages that will leave us feeling unhealthy once we return to our regular lives. Located below are a few tips and techniques you can apply during your spring break in order to stay healthy and fit!

Limit Alcohol Consumption

The elephant in the room that a spring breaker needs to address is the over-indulgence of alcohol and how it encourages excessive weight gain. During your spring break vacations you want to remain cognizant of how many alcoholic beverages you consume each day and night. Try to keep your drinks under 2 per day -- 5 at maximum. This will ensure that you feel healthy when you return to the hustle and bustle of your regular life.

Water, Water, Water!

Hydration will also become one of our best friends during our spring break trips and vacations. As a rule of thumb: consume as many as 8 to 10 glasses (8 fluid ounces) of water per day while you're on your vacation. Similarly, if you know you will be consuming alcoholic beverages during your trip, drink a glass of water in between beverages in order to properly digest the alcohol. This will ensure that your internal system passes the free radicals and toxins through the digestive system and thus keep you feeling healthy. 

For further details about spring break vacations please Visit Our website.

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